
Our mission is to empower the youth by teaching them (early in life) how to use their breath as a tool for relaxation and presence.. as well as provide them with the skills, habits, and emotional insight needed to make sound financial decisions, ensuring a prosperous future.



We envision schools and communities where cultivating mindfulness and financial literacy are integral parts of the curriculum from an early age.  In this vision, children practice using the power of their breath to center themselves, make clear decisions, and face stress with equanimity. They also learn to approach money with the same level of presence and thoughtfulness, making calm choices that support their long-term well-being & capacity to earn, save, and invest wisely.

14 Step.. was developed out of necessity and the knowledge that in order to really provide the best for our children, we would need to put our heart and soul into essential life skills that prepare them before it’s too late.

Who are we really?

We are a small, devoted team of musicians, artists, therapists, and lovers of life.

Think Headspace meets "First Job" with a focus on youth ages 10-17. 

We are here to teach them skills to manage their thoughts, emotions, and finances.

At 14 Step, our goal is to give the youth what we wish we had.

Our Values


1. Empowerment

  • We believe in empowering youth to take control of their financial futures and emotional well-being through education, awareness, and actionable strategies.

2.  Holistic Approach 

  • We recognize the interconnectedness of financial health and mental wellness, and we strive to provide holistic solutions that address both aspects of our users' lives.

3. Innovation

  • We are committed to innovation in the fields of financial education and mindfulness, continuously seeking new ways to engage and support our users on their journeys toward financial literacy and emotional resilience.

4. Inclusivity

  • We embrace diversity and inclusivity, ensuring that our platform is accessible and relevant to all youth, regardless of background, socioeconomic status, or individual circumstances.

5. Integrity

  • We uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct in all aspects of our operations, from the content we provide to the partnerships we form, to earn the trust and confidence of our users and stakeholders.

6. Continuous Learning

  • We promote a culture of continuous learning and personal growth, both for our users and our team members, recognizing that knowledge and skills development are lifelong journeys.

7. Responsibility

  • We take responsibility for the impact of our platform on the lives of young people, striving to create positive outcomes and contribute to their long-term success and well-being.

8. Adaptability

  • We remain agile and adaptable in the face of change, responding proactively to evolving needs and trends in the fields of youth education, technology, and mental health.

14 Step’s Journey to Digital Health for Youth

In an era where technology is both omnipresent and indispensable, we often find ourselves at a crossroads between its benefits and its potential detriments, especially when it comes to the well-being of the next generation. It's a poignant paradox, particularly when we consider adolescents - those on the cusp of defining their relationships with self and society. Meet 14 Step, a beacon of hope for digital health that weaves a story of empowerment, self-discovery, and financial foresight, all tailored to the very people it seeks to uplift and guide — Our Youth..

A Backstory Rooted in the Wilderness

The tale begins with the creators of 14 Step, who, before they were pioneers in the digital health platform arena, were wilderness therapy guides. In the serene yet demanding landscapes of the great outdoors, they embarked on journeys with teenagers that were more than just physical, they were psychological and emotional. The mission was noble but hardly simple — to instill a sense of safety and stability in young minds, often caught in the whirlpool of confusion and disillusionment.

Through nature's classroom, they led by example, nurturing a safe space for introspection and gentle guidance in a world that is, more often than not, unbearably harsh. These formative experiences served as a launchpad, propelling the 14 Step team to pursue a more sustainable means of supporting adolescent mental health.

The Technology for Presence, Patience, and Persistence 

Discontented with the limited potential for lasting change within the confines of a traditional therapeutic model, the 14 Step team broke new ground. Their vision, now a palpable reality, was a digital health platform designed to engage and enlighten young minds — a tool with the power to support, educate, and inspire in equal measure.

Their experience at wilderness therapy unearthed practices that would be the foundation of the 14 Step methodology. Rather than threatening students with negative consequences and punitive measures, they discovered the resounding truth that positive reinforcement and intrinsic rewards were the key to unlocking the change-resistant hearts and minds of adolescents. The 14 Step platform, in its essence, encourages a daily practice of being present in the moment, observing one's thoughts, and consciously shaping one's emotional intelligence.

Real Rewards, Real Growth

What sets 14 Step apart is its commitment to tangible outcomes. The platform advocates for financial literacy and personal finance management as parallel tracks to the mindfulness practices it espouses. The real kicker? The majority of the monthly subscription cost is returned to the participants, creating a circular economy of growth and self-investment.

This novel approach transcends mere handouts; it's a powerful incentive for individuals to engage in their own well-being actively. As these young learners contribute to their internal development, they are simultaneously equipped with the tools to manage their future wealth responsibly and reflectively.

The Tug-of-War Within, and Without

The architects of 14 Step are acutely aware of the challenges that confront not just their platform but the entire ethos of cultivating mental and financial wellness in adolescents. The distractions that pull at the strings of focus and the complexities that shroud the world of money management are akin to the unsettled wilderness — formidable in their own right.

Yet, it is precisely this acknowledgment, this unflinching gaze at the struggles that young individuals contend with on a daily basis, that defines the core of 14 Step. The platform is not a fix-all; it is a reflection of the very struggles that its creators have faced and continues to face.

The Ongoing Quest for Adaptation

As 14 Step looks to the horizon, they are faced with an evolving terrain of challenges and opportunities. The landscape of adolescent mental health is continually in flux, with new peaks of awareness and valleys of digital distraction. The 14 Step team navigates this dynamic topography with a spirit of adaptability, consistently reimagining and reengineering their platform to serve its primary purpose — that of being a steadfast companion to young individuals navigating the uncharted territories of their inner worlds.

A Journey of Mutual Empathy

The creators of 14 Step extend an empathetic hand, grounded in their shared experiences and ongoing efforts to be present, reflective, and responsible. The call to join this mission is not just an invitation; it's a necessity, a collective responsibility to build a society that is not only technologically adept but emotionally intelligent and financially literate.

In closing, the origin story of 14 Step is not merely a chronicle of events leading to the platform's conception. It is a rich tapestry woven with threads of genuine concern, compassionate service, and a relentless pursuit of empowering the next generation. In the wilderness within, they hope to foster an environment of growth, understanding, and resilience — one present step at a time.

For those who resonate with this purpose and wish to learn more about the 14 Step platform and its impact, a discovery call awaits. It's more than an outreach; it's a conversation, an exchange that bears the promise of a brighter, more mindful future for our adolescents.

With Presence, Patience, & Persistence,

Hunter & Megan Marie


 Ready to Experience the 14 Step Daily Practice?

Discover why families worldwide use 14 Step’s daily practice to cultivate their child's mindfulness & money management skills.
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to get to know who we are and what we do.


“Hunter has immensely helped me with his alternative approach. I don’t like the typical therapist who wants to figure out your brain and through the books give you medication. No - Hunter wants to actually help me. He has been able to push me to keep fighting for my life, happiness, and love daily. He teaches me the things he works on from day to day and only cares that I grow with him. Thank you for everything, Hunter. You have dearly helped my innermost troubles and doubts regarding myself. You have motivated me. And are slowly but surely bringing me back to my utmost, highest and truest potential.” 




“I had been in traditional therapy for years and I felt extremely lost and scared. I knew I could do better and be better and I needed someone who knew that to be a truth in the same way that I did. Megan and I started identifying what I needed to let go of and embody. We searched for ways to keep me grounded and stay authentic in any situation. Megan brought me tools, new perspectives, compassion, understanding, and beautiful energy. I can confidently confirm that this dynamic is what works best for me. What brought me the most joy during this journey was knowing I had someone in my corner who spoke my language, and wanted the best for me. Megan pushed me, held me in light and love, and encouraged me with patience.”





“Hunter has immensely helped me with his alternative approach. I don’t like the typical therapist who wants to figure out your brain and through the books give you medication. No - Hunter wants to actually help me. He has been able to push me to keep fighting for my life, happiness, and love daily. He teaches me the things he works on from day to day and only cares that I grow with him. Thank you for everything, Hunter. You have dearly helped my innermost troubles and doubts regarding myself. You have motivated me. And are slowly but surely bringing me back to my utmost, highest and truest potential.” 




“I had been in traditional therapy for years and I felt extremely lost and scared. I knew I could do better and be better and I needed someone who knew that to be a truth in the same way that I did. Megan and I started identifying what I needed to let go of and embody. We searched for ways to keep me grounded and stay authentic in any situation. Megan brought me tools, new perspectives, compassion, understanding, and beautiful energy. I can confidently confirm that this dynamic is what works best for me. What brought me the most joy during this journey was knowing I had someone in my corner who spoke my language, and wanted the best for me. Megan pushed me, held me in light and love, and encouraged me with patience.”